
2022-12-26 19:29:39 來源/作者: / 己有:26人學習過
字體設計基礎(1)視覺均衡作者:snl 來源:藍色理想
用petit的話來說:“這是一份來自 typeworkshop.com 的資料,簡明扼要的描述了西文字體設計的一些基本概念,不管你是不是平面設計師或者是字體設計師,又或者只是路人甲乙丙丁,這些資料都可以讓你進入字體所蘊含的數學之美。而且有許多方法也可以被引用到漢字設計中去。”





100% practical. Sketches have been made to explain some basic issues in type design during the workshops. They get used to point out some problems which raise while creating a new typeface. Only some foundations are shown, no deep sophisticated details.

Same size for all! To optically align all characters on a line, they cannot not have exactly the same mathematical height. For example the triangle on this drawing has to be higher than the rectangle. If this is not the case, the triangle will for sure look smaller than the rectangle. While creating a typeface, you want all the letters to have the same height.
為了讓所有字符在視覺上對齊,它們就不能采用同樣的物理尺寸。比如說,下圖中的三角形的高度就必須大于矩形。否則,三角形看起來就要比矩形小很多。 而我們在設計字體的時候,往往想給它們定義同樣的高度。

Also round forms have to exceed the baseline to be optically the same. If the circle would have exactly the same mathematical height as the rectangle, it would look smaller than the square. This doesn't only count for basic forms like triangles, circles and squares. It's essential in type design, because they apply to every single character in a typeface. Then it even doesn't matter if you're designing a latin, cyrillic or greek font. It's a basic principle for any kind of shape.
同樣的 ,為了使圓形看起來和矩形同樣大小,圓形就必須超出基線。如果圓形和矩形物理尺寸一樣,圓形看上去就會比矩形小。這一規則不僅僅適用于三角形、圓形、方形這樣的基本形狀,這是字體設計的基本原則,整個字體中的所有字符都適用這一原則。不管你設計的是拉丁字體、還是斯拉夫或者希臘文字體,這是所有形體都必須遵循的基本準則。


